5 Easy New Year's Resolutions You Should Make

Haven’t had a chance to come up with a New Year’s Resolution? We’ve got your back.

  1. Meditate 5 Minutes a Day.

    Want to stress less in 2019? Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance self-awareness and improve sleep (just to name a few). You can reap the benefits by investing 5 minutes of your day to a meditation practice. Apps like Headspace and Waking Up with Sam Harris make meditation convenient and enjoyable.

  2. Be Content.

    Ringing in the new year is a great opportunity to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and focus on what you want to achieve next year. Don’t be hard on yourself for not being stronger, wiser, wealthier or more successful than you are. Practice Santosha (meaning “contentment”) by being comfortable where you’re at. Let go of expectations you’ve set for yourself and instead, be proud of what you’ve accomplished in the last year.

  3. Be Present.

    Make an effort to put your electronics away and be present. Love the ones you’re with. Put. Your. Cellphone. Away. . . . Seriously. Make eye contact. Engage in real, meaningful face-to-face conversations. When you’re going out with friends - leave your cellphone at home. When you’re sitting down to eat with your family - leave your cellphone in a different room. Studies have shown that merely having your cellphone near you decreases the quality of engagement you have with others.

  4. Read a Book.

    Take a break from your favorite shows and pick up a good book. You could get really old school and pick up a paper-back book. (*Gasp*). Reading can improve sleep, increase intelligence and reduce stress. From fiction to self-help, invest in a genre that fuels your soul and opens your mind.

  5. Move Your Body.

    Your body was meant to move. Try a new workout. Go for a hike. Practice yoga. Go snowshoeing. Whatever you do, move your body for 30 minutes a day. Find a friend (an accountabil-a-buddy) to help you stay motivated. People who workout with others are more likely to push themselves, stay motivated and reach their goals. Group fitness classes are perfect for those looking for community, motivation, and accountability!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy new year!


Kelsey & Aaron

Aaron ParkerSol Vibe